Begin securing your home today!

Over the phone

We offer a full range of consultation services that can be done over the phone

At home

We will send somebody to your home in order to properly assess all your security needs. 


Get your initial consultation done through email or other prefered online platform

What We Do

Your home is your castle. Your family is your legacy. Our mission is to provide you the information and training to protect them both. We are especially interested in making you feel safe at home. Although property crimes are rampant and horrible, nothing is worse than having someone you love in danger.

Being an ALL INCLUSIVE consultant, we don’t give you only one piece of the puzzle. From locks to firearms to personal protection dogs, we do what nobody else does. We include everything in our evaluation! We are dedicated to providing you with the necessary skills and equipment to properly harden entry into your home and the means to protect yourself and your family in case of a home invasion as our first priority.

Three out of four homes in the U.S. will be broken into within the next 20 years![Reolink] In about 28% of burglaries, a household member was present during the burglary![Bureau of Justice Statistics]

How We Do It

The initial consultation: We will come to your house or we can talk on the phone about your needs and level of security desired. Once we have an idea of what your goals are, we will come to your home, assess weaknesses, and provide you a written evaluation of changes that we recommend you make. We will go through each change you are considering in detail and make sure you are aware of why it is important and give you options. We will provide estimated costs for vendors that provide the services and how to contact them for more information and detailed pricing. If you so desire, we also provide the service of us interacting directly with the vendors and communicate your needs to remove you from the leg work of handling it all.

Free and easy things you can do now

Recommended habits to keep your home safe: These are easy things you can do to prevent crime. Unless you are specifically targeted for some reason, most criminals prefer “soft” targets or targets of opportunity such as an open garage or door. What this means is that the perpetrator will most likely move onto another home that appears to be easier to break into. Easy things you can do now to make things safer for you for little or no money.
    Ask a neighbor to pick up your mail if you are out of town.
   Have alarm and beware of dog signs on your lawn, gates or fence.
   Shut your garage if you are not in it or in front of it.
   ALWAYS lock side gates, and all doors.
   Trim trees and bushes away from the house.
   Keep windows closed & locked at all times.
   Join Neighborhood Watch.

Details on services we provide or recommend for your protection

•Walk around of home for security weaknesses
•Entry (doors, windows) fortification
•Interior door fortification
•Lock and hardware evaluation and installation
•Exterior motion sensor light installation
•Alarm service selection
•Supplementary lock fortification to make it more difficult to kick in a door including, door frames, hinges, stoppers braces, barricade, door jammers etc.
•Security camera installation

Worst-case scenario training

Sometimes, even with all the exterior hardening, a determined predator will make it into your home.  This is when you and your family are in real danger! We also provide consultation on:
•Self-defense hand to hand combat techniques
•Firearm selection and training
•Personal protection dog training and/or purchase of already trained dog(s)

So what are you waiting for?  Don’t put off till tomorrow what you can do today.